
Topic Mojo is a free research tool that allows marketers, teachers, writers, and students to perform research on any topic. It provides a range of features to make topic research easy and efficient. The tool includes a Topic Model that fetches data from all over the web to help users create engaging content. It also has a Question Finder, which gathers questions about a specific topic from across the web, allowing users to understand users" needs. The Search Listener feature helps users stay up to date with the most unique and new searches related to their query. The tool supports 50+ data sources, providing accurate SEO data such as search volume, PPC difficulty, trends, sentiment analysis, and more. Topic Mojo offers various platform features like saved lists, workspaces, custom domains, and export options. It supports multiple languages and allows users to generate reports for different countries. The tool has received positive feedback from users, who find it accurate, helpful, and easy to use. Overall, Topic Mojo is a powerful tool for topic research across various domains and platforms.