
Tantl is a powerful AI tool that helps companies make their data warehouses actionable and easily accessible. It eliminates the need to wrangle SQL queries, wait weeks for answers, and figure out access control. With Tantl, users can unlock their data warehouse using natural language, allowing them to move their business forward. One unique feature of Tantl is its AI copilot, which takes the hassle out of writing SQL queries by learning an organization"s tribal knowledge. Tantl also offers full control over data governance, allowing users to specify tables and columns to maintain security and privacy. It seamlessly connects to popular databases and warehouses in minutes, ensuring industry-leading security practices. Tantl acts like a helpful colleague, improving its understanding of data the more it is used. Users can easily ask data questions and get faster answers with the help of AI. Tantl also integrates with Slack, enabling data conversations and streamlining queries in a familiar environment. Additionally, users can turn queries into alerts to stay on top of data changes. Tantl is engineered for the future, making it a versatile tool for any organization.