
RTutor is an artificial intelligence (AI) tool that allows users to interact with their data using natural language. Users can upload a dataset and then ask questions or request analyses in English. RTutor generates and runs R code based on these requests, producing plots and numeric results. The tool is primarily designed to assist users with some R coding experience in learning and being more productive with R. It can be used to quickly conduct data visualization and exploratory data analysis. However, it"s important to note that the generated code may not always be correct, so users should exercise caution and verify results independently. RTutor is not intended to replace statisticians or data scientists but rather to enhance their efficiency. The tool is freely available for non-profit organizations, and there is a cost associated with the OpenAI API usage. Each session typically costs between $0.01 and $0.1, and there is a monthly usage limit. RTutor can be run locally after downloading and installing the R package and obtaining an API key from OpenAI. Overall, RTutor provides a convenient and user-friendly way to interact with data using natural language and R code.