
OpenBMB is an AI tool that aims to make large models accessible to everyone. It offers a suite of tools, including BMTrain, BMCook, BMInf, OpenPrompt, OpenDelta, and ModelCenter, which enable efficient training, compression, inference, and fine-tuning of large models. BMTrain reduces training costs by 90% compared to other frameworks and achieves impressive performance. BMCook efficiently compresses models, maintaining 90%+ effectiveness and speeding up inference by 10 times. BMInf allows low-cost and efficient inference of large models using affordable graphics cards. OpenPrompt provides a unified interface for prompt learning, driving large models with easily deployable methods. OpenDelta efficiently fine-tunes large models, updating only a small percentage of parameters. ModelCenter serves as a repository for large models and supports efficient and scalable fine-tuning and distributed training. OpenBMB has applications in various fields, including natural language processing and multimodal learning.