

GistReader is an AI-enhanced web reader that streamlines the reading experience by using AI to summarize articles and transform them into clean and easy-to-read formats. It can remove non-relevant content like ads and supports both single page articles and RSS feeds. The tool also offers AI summaries of articles, allowing users to extract the essence of an article in seconds while still providing the option to read the full article. Additionally, GistReader can convert articles into personalized podcasts using text-to-speech technology. The tool is compatible with various devices and synchronizes content and preferences across them. Other features include keyboard shortcuts, Pocket integration, YouTube support, dark mode, and no ads. GistReader offers three paid plans with different features and limitations. However, users can still access some features for free. GistReader was created by Aron Rotteveel, a software engineer aiming to develop a simple RSS reader that saves time for users.