Formula Generator


FormulaGenerator is a free AI tool that helps users generate various types of formulas, including Excel formulas, VBA automations, SQL queries, and more. It has a user-friendly interface where users can enter text instructions to generate complex formulas easily. The tool also features an error spotter to help debug formulas and code, as well as an explain formula feature for better understanding. Additionally, FormulaGenerator offers the ability to generate VBA, SQL, and Appscript code, making it versatile for different applications. Users can also access an Answer Bot powered by OpenAI"s ChatGPT to get quick and accurate answers to their questions. The tool can be used as a web application or as a Google Sheets extension, providing convenience and integration with spreadsheets. Furthermore, FormulaGenerator offers a fine-tuning service to create custom AI applications based on specific industries or niches. Overall, FormulaGenerator simplifies the process of generating formulas, saving time and improving productivity for users.