

DenoLyrics is a web application that uses an AI model to convert audio into text. It supports 143 languages and can handle both fast and slow audio speeds. The tool allows users to sign in with their favorite provider, create folders to organize audio files, and upload mp3 files for processing. The processed audio is then converted to text. DenoLyrics also allows users to share folders with others, promoting collaboration. Additionally, it offers features like text summarization, multiple language translation, and captions. The AI model used by DenoLyrics is based on the latest advancements in Transformers and has been trained on a large amount of data. The tool is easy to use, does not require installation, and runs on the cloud in real-time. It is suitable for content creators, podcasters, and anyone needing to transcribe audio efficiently. Users can get started with DenoLyrics for free and there is support available through a frequently asked questions section and email.