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Casa de Sante is an AI-powered tool that provides support for people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) who are following the low FODMAP diet. The tool offers a range of low FODMAP products, including vegan, keto, and paleo options, to help maintain gut health. It also provides free low FODMAP diet plans, recipes, and apps. In addition, Casa de Sante offers virtual dietitian support, personalized meal plans, and access to food sensitivity testing and GI labs. The tool"s unique features include gut-friendly seasonings, protein powders, and supplements specifically formulated for sensitive guts. It also includes AI-powered meal planning and a low FODMAP chef feature in its apps. The tool is versatile and can be used for a variety of digestive disorders, including IBS, SIBO, food sensitivities, Celiac disease, and more. Overall, Casa de Sante aims to make it easier for people with IBS to navigate the low FODMAP diet and improve their gut health with the help of AI and personalized support.