
ChatInDoc is an innovative PDF viewer that incorporates ChatGPT, an AI-powered chatbot. It offers a range of features aimed at improving efficiency and understanding when reading PDFs, such as summarization, term lookup, and IR analysis. Users can chat with the AI system, powered by GPT-3.5-turbo, to receive explanations, analyze IR reports, and reduce the time spent reading academic papers or instruction manuals. The tool claims to provide performance comparable to humans, with GPT-3.5 displaying an understanding level equivalent to a 7-year-old child. By using ChatInDoc, users can save time by asking questions in chat rather than reading the entire contents of lengthy PDFs. The tool is available in multiple languages and supports searching PDF text, although images and tables may not be accurately read. Pricing plans include a free option with a limited number of questions per month, and a Pro option with more points and additional features. Overall, ChatInDoc is a comprehensive AI tool that enhances PDF reading and comprehension.