
Youper is an artificial intelligence (AI) tool that provides safe and clinically validated mental health support. It has already helped over two million people and has been recognized by Bloomberg, Google, and Apple for its effectiveness. Youper combines psychology and AI to engage in natural conversations with users and understand their emotional needs. It offers evidence-based interventions that have been studied extensively and proven successful, and has been clinically effective at reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression according to researchers at Stanford University. The tool is used by various stakeholders like healthcare providers, employers, payers, and life science companies to scale their mental healthcare services. Patients can access instant support whenever and wherever needed, while providers can integrate Youper into their workflows to expand their reach. Employers can offer better mental health care to employees, and payers can meet the demand for affordable and easily accessible digital mental health solutions. Youper is also suitable as a companion application to medications or as a standalone prescription digital therapeutic. It cannot replace a real therapist, but users have found it to be a helpful place to start. The AI tool is led by Dr. Jose Hamilton, an award-winning mental health expert with extensive experience as a psychiatrist. Overall, Youper aims to disrupt mental healthcare by using AI to make it more accessible and effective.