
Yujo is a mobile app powered by artificial intelligence that helps users find friends and a professional community. Using advanced algorithms, Yujo matches users with acquaintances who share similar interests and are located nearby. The app also suggests personalized recommendations for new locations and events, keeping users up-to-date with the latest hotspots. Yujo includes a calendar feature to help schedule and keep track of social engagements. Users can choose a professional mode to enhance networking opportunities. The app is easy to use, allowing users to fill out a detailed profile describing their expectations for meeting new people. Yujo also provides AI-generated suggestions for meeting places to ensure users have a great time. The app is designed for individuals who want to expand their social circle, make friends, find colleagues or customers, and receive feedback to improve their skills. Yujo offers different subscription plans with varying features, including AI-selected referrals, video calls, and access to closed professional chats. The app prioritizes user safety and provides guidelines to protect personal information and ensure safe meetings. Overall, Yujo is a comprehensive AI tool for connecting with like-minded individuals, discovering new opportunities, and building meaningful relationships.