
Whelp is an AI-powered omnichannel inbox software designed for customer support. It allows businesses to centralize customer communication from various channels including voice, email, live chat, SMS, and WhatsApp. By consolidating customer interactions and data in one place, Whelp streamlines workflow management and improves efficiency. The platform offers advanced reporting and analytics tools to track and optimize business performance. Whelp also provides the ability to customize and automate communication campaigns, including bulk messaging on popular platforms such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Email, and Facebook Messenger. With its drag-and-drop chatbot builder, businesses can design and deploy chatbots to provide 24/7 customer service and quick responses. Whelp emphasizes security with advanced encryption and secure access controls to protect customer data, while also enabling team collaboration and integration capabilities with other tools and platforms. Overall, Whelp aims to enhance customer support by leveraging automation, analytics, and multiple communication channels to provide seamless and personalized service.