
Description is an AI tool that helps translate apps quickly and easily. By installing their open-source npm package and getting a free API key, users can translate their app into any language they want in just 60 seconds. The tool is used by companies to simplify the internationalization process, eliminating the pain points associated with translation. offers a free API key with the first 500 AI translated words, and users can edit translations if they prefer. Unlike other translation services, does not have monthly subscriptions or hidden fees; users only pay for the extra translations they need. The pricing is flexible, with options based on the size of the website and the number of translations required. With no code changes or complex setup, is a user-friendly tool that allows for easy translation of websites. Users can also edit translations directly in the app, and the changes will be updated on the website. The tool is currently compatible with React and Next.JS and is working on supporting more technologies. Overall, provides a convenient and cost-effective solution for app translation, making it ideal for businesses looking to expand globally.