
Description is an all-in-one AI-driven contact center solution that combines features such as CRM, auto-dialer software, and IVR (Integrated Voice Response). It offers an inbuilt CRM, dynamic IVR, conversational AI, AI-enabled call analysis, and a live agent dashboard. With Waanee, businesses can be more connected with their customers by providing a business phone with IVR that supports voice, SMS, and messaging apps. It also features intelligent virtual agents powered by AI that can converse with customers in a human-like manner, offering 24/7 availability. The platform helps businesses deliver exceptional customer experiences, improve agent performance with real-time suggestions, and audit call conversations using AI tools. integrates with popular apps like Google Cloud, AWS, DeepGram, Rasa AI, and Assembly AI. It offers AI-powered tools such as Agent Assist for proactive customer service and AI-Powered Conversation Audit to improve agent performance. differentiates itself by humanizing AI and empowering both teams and customers. It is a cloud-based solution that can be accessed anywhere with an internet connection. It is suitable for large enterprises, SMEs, and startups, and can be tailored to individual business needs with modular components and pricing based on a per-user monthly charge and a pay-as-you-go model.