
Vocapia is an AI-powered speech-to-text software and service provider that offers a range of solutions for various applications. Their VoxSigma software suite utilizes advanced language technologies, including speech recognition, language identification, and speaker diarization, to convert audio data into structured and searchable XML documents. This enables users to access and analyze content in audio and video documents. The software suite can be used for broadcast monitoring, lecture and seminar transcription, video subtitling, conference call and voicemail transcription, and speech analytics. Vocapia also offers a cloud-based service, VoxSigma SaaS, which provides full speech transcription, audio indexing, and speech-text alignment capabilities via a REST API. The tool supports multiple languages, with the ability to create custom models or systems tailored to specific application needs. It finds applications in call management, media monitoring, media asset management, and avionics, among others. Overall, Vocapia"s speech-to-text software and service empower users to efficiently transcribe and analyze large quantities of audio and video data.