
Vespa is an AI-powered big data serving engine that offers a range of functionalities for different applications. It serves as a search engine and vector database, allowing users to perform vector search, lexical search, and search in structured data, all in one query. It enables the application of AI to make sense of data in real-time through integrated machine-learned model inference. Vespa allows users to build recommendation and personalization systems by combining fast vector search with evaluation of machine-learned models. It also supports conversational AI by providing the ability to store and search vector and text data in real-time, enabling more useful agents. Additionally, Vespa is suitable for semi-structured navigation tasks, as it combines structured data, text, and search capabilities with great performance. The tool offers features like structured, text, and vector search, machine learning support, auto-elastic data management, and unbeatable end-to-end performance. It has been adopted by companies like Spotify, Yahoo, and OkCupid for applications such as semantic search, personalized content selection, targeted ads, and real-time matching. Vespa is open-source and can be run on-premise or used through their cloud service.