
Description is a predictive targeting and optimization platform designed to improve the conversion rates of digital ad campaigns for businesses with long offline sales cycles and large transactions. The platform uses machine learning to analyze user behavior on a website and matches it with sales or customer lifetime value data from the CRM. It then identifies behavioral patterns of high-value visitors and predicts the purchase value of new visitors in near real-time. The platform offers four tools: targeting, optimization, measurement, and insights. These tools allow businesses to create value-based audiences, optimize ad campaigns based on predictive conversions, track A/B test performance, and understand the impact of each touchpoint in the customer journey. also provides accurate predictive lead scores and forward-looking attribution, helping businesses prioritize high-potential leads and attribute revenue to marketing efforts. With its focus on value-based retargeting and predictive bidding strategies, aims to double marketing ROI for industries like real estate, financial services, edtech, and SaaS.