
Tagbox is an AI-powered creative asset management tool that helps creative teams organize and easily find visual assets. It uses AI to analyze images and create user-friendly search and custom filters, allowing teams to collaborate more effectively and save time. With Tagbox, teams can organize thousands of media files and have everyone on the team focus on what matters most. It eliminates the need for manually sorting through cluttered folders and ensures that design files are saved and found easily. Tagbox is used by various industries, including creative agencies, retail, events, education, and more. Users have praised Tagbox for its efficiency and its ability to organize and tag assets, making it easier to find specific content. The tool offers a touch of magic with its AI capabilities and provides a simple three-step process: adding assets, organizing them through AI-generated smart tags, and discovering them using advanced search and filters. Tagbox offers free trials and can be utilized in a range of use cases, from retail and wholesale to creative agencies and tech companies.