
SubPage is a no-code website builder that allows users to easily create and manage important sub-pages for their websites, such as help centers, blogs, roadmaps, and more. This tool provides specific editors for each page type, saving time and cutting down costs. It is designed to be user-friendly for non-technical staff and offers features like annotation of screenshots, contact forms, help center layouts, support widgets, policy versions, PDF copy downloads, multi-lingual support, idea collection from users, feature roadmap showcase, different log types, announcement widgets, applicant tracking, embeddable job listings, built-in blog software with AI features, and more. SubPage also offers business widgets to extend page functionality, simple and fast editing without the need for coding, multiple layouts per page, and AI assistance. The tool allows for easy switching between different layouts and offers unparalleled features at affordable prices. SubPage also includes AI features to generate job descriptions, assist with policies, provide blog ideas, and offer glossary meanings. Overall, SubPage is a comprehensive and user-friendly tool for creating and managing various sub-pages of a website, suitable for a wide range of businesses and industries.