Spryngtime Auto-Documenter


ChatGPT for customer support is an AI tool developed by Spryngtime that automates support tickets and enables businesses to respond to customer inquiries with a chatbot in their own tone and voice. With Spryngtime, businesses can train the chatbot to understand their product, help center, and customer data, allowing it to answer customer questions, perform tasks such as refunds and cancellations, and resolve tickets. The tool saves time by answering 30-50% of all questions out of the box and increases conversion rates. It offers features such as security measures, intelligent data ingestion, automation of customer-specific tasks, analysis of past support and chat history, auto documentation of answers, and the ability to review message drafts before responding. Spryngtime supports various platforms like Slack, Intercom, Zendesk, Discord, and Email. Overall, the tool streamlines customer support processes, empowering businesses to focus on high-priority tasks while delivering responsive and efficient support to their customers.