
ChatGPT for Customer Support is an AI tool that serves as an AI support agent to enhance ticket resolution for customer support teams. It is embedded within existing ticketing software such as Intercom, Zendesk, and Helpscout. One of its unique features is the ability for human agents to verify responses before sending, allowing the AI to improve through self-training based on rejected drafts. The tool can answer rarely asked questions (RAQs) by matching past conversations or knowledge base content. It can navigate multiple back-and-forth interactions and even function as a sales channel by appending relevant upsells or cross-sells based on customer pain points. Additionally, it automates the process of categorizing and triaging incoming questions. The tool indexes all previous responses, detects user intent independently of specific keywords, and drafts two types of responses: generalizable (approximately 30-50% of tickets) and customer-specific (an additional 15-30% of tickets) by leveraging customer-specific data sources.