
M1-Chat is an AI tool that allows users to create customized chatbots for their websites without any coding skills. Users can train the chatbot using their own data, such as question-answer pairs or dialogs, or upload a PDF or provide a website link for the chatbot to extract information from. The chatbot, powered by ChatGPT, can answer visitor questions and provide personalized assistance. It can be easily installed on the website with just a few clicks. The tool promises benefits such as cutting staff costs, boosting customer engagement, automating customer support, and increasing conversion rates. The chatbot supports over 90 languages and securely stores the data on GCP/AWS servers. Users have the option to request a refund within the first 14 days if they are not satisfied with the service. Overall, M1-Chat provides an easy and efficient way to create AI-powered chatbots that can enhance customer interactions and improve user experience on websites.