

LivePerson"s Generative AI capabilities and Conversational AI platform helps enterprises leverage large language models to improve business outcomes. With the world"s largest conversational dataset and decades of experience, LivePerson delivers secure AI experiences. The platform offers responsible AI, reducing bias and partnering with EqualAI for certifications. It also provides human optimization at scale, with skilled humans continuously enhancing models. The platform offers impactful insights through enterprise-level analytics and reporting. LivePerson augments large language models with a massive enterprise dataset for natural language processing. The Conversational Cloud platform includes features such as Knowledge AI for content curation, Generative AI for voice and messaging automation, and Bella AI for building concierge bots. It caters to customer engagement, employee engagement, and brand user insights in various departments. Trusted by major brands, LivePerson"s AI tool achieves cost reduction, automation, increased customer satisfaction, improved conversions, and decreased agent attrition.