
Description is an AI tool designed to help users find keywords that their competition may not have discovered. The tool uses an AI engine to delve deep into any niche and uncover the keywords that a target audience is searching for. Additionally, can automate the process of answering Google "People Also Ask" questions by generating engaging and factual answers that search engines prioritize. The tool is powered by a GPT-3.5 based AI engine, allowing users to generate unique and relevant questions, topics, and pain points for their niche. Starting with a single seed keyword, users can generate hundreds of keywords, along with estimated search volume, Google PAA questions, and keyword difficulty. This data can be used to make informed decisions about targeting keywords and creating blog post outlines. By generating topic clusters and focusing on building authority within a niche, users can drive more qualified traffic to their websites. offers unlimited projects, AI-generated keywords, questions/topics, blog post outlines, and the ability to answer Google People Also Ask questions. The tool is user-friendly, providing users with keyword data, topic ideation, and scraped People Also Ask questions. aims to make keyword research easier and help users stand out in search engine results by providing highly relevant and useful answers to users" burning questions.