
G3D.AI {Jedi} is a generative AI tool designed for gaming. It enables game creators to build unique and visually stunning games in a significantly shorter amount of time. The tool provides a suite of features that supercharge creativity and eliminate manual tasks through the use of text prompts. It offers 3D asset creation, allowing for optimized objects that match the desired art direction. It also includes level design capabilities, generating unique levels based on text prompts. In addition, gameplay mechanics can be generated based on specific needs. The tool emphasizes the power of text prompts, which lead to instant and novel creations with every prompt. It is optimized for gaming and the metaverse, and aims to work seamlessly with game creators" workflows. The tool also emphasizes community, with a Discord community and a waitlist for early access and updates. Overall, G3D.AI {Jedi} is a comprehensive AI tool that leverages text prompts to streamline and enhance game creation processes.