
Faraday is a customer prediction platform that leverages the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to help businesses grow. It offers a no-code solution, so coding or data science skills are not required to use it. Faraday allows users to make predictions for various business functions such as scoring leads, preventing customer churn, finding new customers, personalizing outreach, maximizing customer lifetime value (LTV), and more. It also offers features like syncing data from popular platforms like Salesforce and HubSpot and deploying predictions automatically. Faraday is suitable for marketers, developers, and anyone looking to integrate machine learning predictions into their workflows. It provides built-in templates and the flexibility to create custom strategies. With Faraday, businesses can access valuable consumer data, connect with their existing systems, and benefit from proven machine learning predictions. The platform emphasizes responsible AI and offers a balance between power and fairness. It is used by companies of all sizes to drive results, delight customers, and gain practical value from AI.