
Enterpret is an AI tool that helps product teams gather and analyze customer feedback from various sources. It uses state-of-the-art natural language processing (NLP) to automatically extract insights from the feedback, ensuring that no customer pain points go unnoticed. The tool allows product teams to prioritize their roadmap confidently by quantifying each customer pain point across all channels and languages in real-time. It provides accurate and reliable feedback analysis through customer-specific machine learning models, eliminating the need for manual tagging. Enterpret also offers features to compare and contrast feedback from different user segments, syncs with other analytics tools, and helps identify emerging feedback trends. It can bridge the gap between product and sales teams by analyzing call recordings and identifying reasons for lost deals. Additionally, Enterpret enables product teams to respond to product quality issues faster by automatically discovering and alerting them to bugs and UX issues. The tool has a source of truth for all feedback, adapts its customer feedback taxonomy over time, and offers advanced analytics and semantic search capabilities. It ensures enterprise-grade security and offers integrations with various platforms. Enterpret is praised by customers for its ability to uncover themes and trends that may go unnoticed and its impact on product operations.