
Eduaide.Ai is an AI tool that assists educators in developing engaging and personalized lessons for their students. It offers a set of tools to help teachers express their creativity, align planning with student needs, and integrate AI into their lesson planning workflow. With over 50 resource types to choose from, teachers can create flexible learning materials that can be integrated into existing curriculum or used as a basis for new content. The AI assistant, Teaching Assistant, streamlines instructional planning and tasks, allowing teachers to focus on their students" unique needs. The tool also provides features for personalization, allowing teachers to revise and remix generated content to fit their classroom. Furthermore, Eduaide.Ai includes a Feedback Bot that generates actionable feedback reports based on custom or pre-defined rubrics. Additionally, teachers can freely interact with the AI model through the Eduaide Chat, asking questions and creating new resource types. The tool supports language preferences and is available in over 15 languages, enhancing accessibility for diverse learners. Eduaide.Ai is a platform that not only assists with lesson development but also serves as a source for relevant and engaging educational content. Users can leverage a curated prompting system to generate effective resources, adapt materials using personalization features, and collaborate with other educators to find what works best for their students. With thousands of educators already using Eduaide.Ai, it empowers classrooms by providing a quick and efficient way to create educational content.