
Dive is an AI-powered tool that enhances meetings by automating various tasks. With just one click, Dive can create meeting agendas, take detailed meeting minutes, and send them to relevant participants. It integrates seamlessly with platforms like Google Meet and Zoom, allowing users to collaborate on notes and agendas in real-time. Dive generates AI-generated action items and summaries, making meetings more actionable and efficient. It also captures key insights and makes them easily searchable. Users can access meeting recaps and action items via their inbox or existing tools like Google Docs and Notion. Dive prioritizes security and privacy, with regular penetration testing and certifications for GDPR compliance, SOC2, ISO, and HIPAA. The tool is suitable for all types of meetings, from one-on-ones to company town halls. With Dive, users can focus on the discussions rather than multitasking, boosting productivity and saving time.