
Context is an AI-powered chat tool that can turn your existing knowledge base into an automated tech support bot. It utilizes advanced AI technology, specifically GPT-4, to provide smart and precise responses to customer inquiries, effectively reducing the need for human intervention. The tool allows you to fully automate replies to frequently asked questions, eliminating repetition and freeing up time to focus on unique customer inquiries. It also helps you understand your users better by uncovering real user queries, which can enhance your product and its accompanying documentation. Context offers seamless integration with various data sources, including websites, PDFs, GitHub repos, wikis, and YouTube videos. You can install Context bots on websites, apps, Slack, or Discord channels to provide uninterrupted support for customers. The tool includes features such as teammate collaboration, response ranking, preloaded questions, site embedding, and integration with Discord and Slack. It also offers an API for programmatic communication and the ability to fine-tune and cache responses for improved accuracy and speed. Additional features, such as inline CTAs (calls to action) and auto-SEO, are coming soon. Overall, Context provides a comprehensive solution for automating tech support, enhancing customer experiences, and improving product documentation.