
CodeBaby Digital Avatar Artificial Intelligence is a tool that uses emotional intelligence, in addition to artificial intelligence, to enhance the customer service experience. Their avatars go beyond traditional chatbots by incorporating features such as speech, empathy, visual engagement, branding, accessibility, and choice of communication method. The tool offers advantages like broadening the user base through audio communication, increasing connection and engagement with caring faces and kind voices, improving understanding and retention of information through visual engagement, and extending brand identity through avatar customization. Additionally, the avatars are WCAG compliant, offer animation capabilities, provide video output for integration into static content, and allow for personalization through integration with internal systems or third-party tools. The tool can be used in various ways, such as in e-learning for improved engagement and retention, assisting with form completion to increase completion rates, providing empathy and support in remote patient monitoring, and delivering FAQ information to customers. CodeBaby"s avatars aim to make complex technologies more accessible to users while ensuring they feel heard and understood.