Cheat Layer


Cheat Layer is a powerful AI tool that solves complex business automation problems without the need for coding. It utilizes a custom-trained GPT-3 model called Project Atlas to create automations from simple language, eliminating repetitive tasks and saving valuable time. Cheat Layer acts as a personal AI software engineer, building end-to-end automations through a conversation-like interface. It offers a growing library of user-discovered "Cheat Codes" and the ability to turn automations into products using a no-code drag-and-drop interface. With Cheat Layer, users can automate processes, create chrome extensions or desktop apps, and replace employees or virtual assistants. The tool is intuitive, allowing users to give commands in English or easily select, drag, drop, and execute actions. It is suitable for various industries, including marketing, market research, and self-employment, providing a time-saving and efficient solution for automation tasks.