
CaliberAI is an AI platform that specializes in detecting potentially risky content to protect online brands from defamation, hate speech, doxxing, IP disclosure, climate denial, reputation damage, and other forms of risky content. This tool offers several features to minimize risk, including comment moderation, article evaluation, writing and editing assistance, and reviewing published and archived content. It is designed to work with various organizations, including media companies and news publishers, to scan and flag high-risk content in real-time. The platform is fully customizable, allowing users to set custom thresholds based on their organization"s risk tolerance. CaliberAI also provides AI editing assistance and integrates with existing workflows through browser extensions, social media plugins, and CMS integration. The tool aims to mitigate risk, reduce costs, and provides a closer look at its solutions through demos and contact with their sales team. It is backed by Enterprise Ireland and Trinity College Dublin.