Dataset Marketplace


Bright Data is described as the world"s #1 web data platform that offers award-winning proxy networks, powerful web scrapers, and ready-to-use datasets for download. It provides a comprehensive solution for turning websites into structured data, with features such as a web scraper IDE, Playwright/Puppeteer-compatible browser for scraping, a web unlocker API, and an SERP API for scraping and parsing search engine results. The tool also offers reliable proxy networks with global coverage, including residential, ISP, datacenter, and mobile proxies. Bright Data caters to various industries and use cases, such as e-commerce, social media marketing, market research, travel, financial services, and healthcare. The platform offers a no-code solution for developers and prides itself on providing complete, structured datasets that users can trust. It also offers custom dataset creation if a desired dataset is not available in their marketplace. With over 20,000 customers and CCPA and GDPR compliance, Bright Data offers a range of integrations, 24/7 support, and a pro bono program using web data to drive change globally.