
FileGPT is a powerful AI tool that allows you to chat with various types of files in natural language and receive quick and accurate responses to your queries. It eliminates the need for endless searching and scrolling through documents by providing a smarter and more intuitive way of working with your files. The tool supports multiple formats, including PDFs, TXTs, DOCs, audio, YouTube, and webpages, making it versatile and flexible. It can handle long texts and extract information from handwritten documents and analyze audio and video content. FileGPT also offers cross-source querying, allowing you to easily search and query multiple files simultaneously. It is a cost-effective solution that can greatly enhance your workflow and save you time. Users have praised its ability to understand queries and provide helpful responses, making it a game-changer for tasks such as writing reading responses, managing files, and working with data. FileGPT offers a free trial, with the option to upgrade for increased usage, and provides unlimited access to collections of content. Overall, FileGPT is a comprehensive AI tool for interacting with files in a natural language, with unique features and applications in various fields.