File To Prompt


The File to Prompt AI tool is a free extension available for Firefox and Chromium-based browsers (such as Chrome, Edge, Opera, and Brave) that enables users to generate text based on a given prompt. The tool works by allowing users to install the extension in their browser and then navigate to platforms like ChatGPT or Bard. Users then write an introduction prompt and can upload a file with content related to the prompt. Afterward, users can write a command prompt to instruct the AI to perform specific tasks, such as summarizing the content. The extension is free to use with no restrictions, although some text generation platforms may have paid versions. Users can support the project by providing suggestions or error reports through the "issues" section of the project"s repository. Developers are also encouraged to contribute improvements by creating forks and requesting merges. Overall, this AI tool simplifies the process of generating AI-based text by allowing users to provide prompts and upload files directly in their browser.