Meet Summary


MeetSummary is an AI tool that provides reliable summaries and action items for meetings. It helps teams stay up-to-date by providing accurate and consistent summaries, allowing team members to focus on the conversation instead of note-taking. The tool works by inviting the MeetSummary bot to the meeting, which then listens and generates an accurate summary that is sent to the user"s inbox. It boasts superhuman accuracy and can summarize meetings without modifying a single character from the original conversation. MeetSummary emphasizes security and privacy, as it doesn"t store any meeting recordings or summaries. The tool is easy to use and can be beneficial for any team. Potential applications include boosting productivity, ensuring everyone is on the same page, and reducing the time spent on meeting recaps. MeetSummary offers a free trial for the first three meetings and then charges $19 per month for unlimited meetings.