
Quest is an AI tool that allows users to generate React components from Figma designs and export clean, extendable code. This tool supports design systems like MUI and Chakra UI and offers built-in animation capabilities. It is suitable for developers who want to automate repetitive tasks and speed up the app development process. With Quest, users can easily convert their designs into code, push it to GitHub, and launch their apps. The tool offers full control over the generated code and allows users to integrate their own design systems or any other system of their choice. It also enables seamless updates between design and development and eliminates the risk of vendor lock-in. Quest provides a library of templates and components to help users jumpstart their app development. It is designed for teams, allowing collaboration and organization of work by apps and workspaces. Quest can be used by various users, including product teams, agencies, and startups, to streamline their design-development workflow, increase efficiency, and accelerate the launch of their products.